Sunday, July 19, 2015

50 Days to Lift Off

(I wrote this blog listening to Zac Brown Band "Island Song". Here is a cool video someone made for the song.

Can you say holy crap???!!! We are just a tad bit excited this week, as we look at the calendar and realize we only have a few weekends left to work on projects and prep for our travels.
Our evenings are spent reading online, boat owner magazines, Waterway Guidebooks, ordering charts and going over our must-buy lists and even our want lists too!  
Are we on track? OH ya we are in good shape, no worries. Just have to stay focused, however with our dock mates reminding us to relax, indulge in impromptu D-Dock parties, as well weekend sailing to Royal Hamilton Yacht are we supposed to stay focused? Ahh! No regrets ever - we love our family here at Mimico and wouldn't have our life any other way...except in warmer climbs.
Vero Beach Moorings - hope to arrive here in late November
We've stepped up our recent purchases and was able to buy a used dinghy and a motor in Bobcaygeon. We had an awesome day in the Kawarthas, on Sturgeon Lake on Pete and Sue's powerboat >ugh, I know, but we had to be polite. Although the dinghy was in need of a patch or two, it is a great buy for what we need. Once home the motor started right up and now has a home on the motor mount Tony built this past week. Thanks Pete and Sue for finding us a perfect addition to our home.

Tony is building a make-shift pulley system to hoist the dinghy up onto the forward deck. He is of course my modern day handyman - aka MacGyver.  You know the type - "hmmm, I could probably make a pulley to lift up the dinghy, Chris. I'll just connect some paper clips together, string up the boat with some dental floss, no wait...maybe something a bit heavier, maybe your bikini straps...ya that should work." Stay tuned on this one.

While 'my MacGyver' is thinking up his next project, I am actually well into some serious downsizing yet again and in organizational heaven. As most of you know all of what we own pretty much, is on this boat and only secured for dock life and the occasional lake-sailing without crazy slanted healing. Part of our journey south will involve ocean sailing, so I decided to really look through our storage areas of the boat and make some much needed changes. 
Here are just a few things I have been working on:I started in my walk-in-closet aka v-berth, (ok so all the male readers can just say you read my whole blog, but you can skip this part, I won't be offended). 

You don't have to be living aboard a boat to consider these awesome organizers!

Top shelf of the hanging locker had 4 decorative coloured wicker baskets which were home to hair products, body lotions, full-size perfumes, tanning spray (hey, a girl living on a boat
HAS to have SOME luxuries), etc..oh and nail polish, a few jewellery boxes, but I digress. Storage containers and luxuries don't really fall into the same paragraph do they? Well, I want to have, need to have my accessories, so first was to re-do the jewellery boxes. 

With many other projects on our lists, and dock parties happening weekly, we are hoping we can make it all happen .

I finally finished my acrylic/water colour painting.
Only painted this - drawing wasn't mine unfortunately.
Will add to my want list - acrylic paints

Might try painting one of my photographs onto canvas.

Tony's brain is going to explode soon with all the ideas he has, and I will finally admit I depend on rum  to keep me going. Stay tuned to "Take Me to the Sea".

Seriously though, Tony is a master at finding solutions. 
Panasonic is going to miss him, among many others when he retires on September 4.

I love this guy.

Sailor Christine 
I just thank God I don’t live in a trailer.
Jimmy Buffet , Son of a son of a sailor